What is circular economy in leather?
As far as sustainability is concerned, bellow, we are going to reveal all the details of the circular economy in relation to the world of leather and tanning: Circular economy - We recycle the by-product of the food industry. - We measure the impact of our supply...

Ecologic alternatives are not better than leather, as scientific analysis can stipulate
Every time we hear more about the footwear production elaborated with vegan products. The industry aims to promote the production of alternatives to leather under the vegan free claim. However, these materials are not as ecological as their name pretends to make it...

Camper gives a second life to its shoes by creating a collection that is committed to upcycling
This February the Spanish brand Camper launches its new collection "ReCrafted" created from used shoes, returned and with defects and combined with other manufacturing leftovers. So, let's have synergy between the concepts "recraft" and "upcycling". In this way, the...

The Leather Decree enters into force definitively
After the approval by the Italian Parliament on May 28, 2020, and after a long awareness-raising activity by UNIC, the Leather Decree was formally and definitively approved to regulate the use of the term “leather” that came into force definitively with effect on...

he opportunity to personalize offer and service, Mckinsey Report 2020-2025
With the Covid-19 and social distancing, companies quickly had to rush and adopt more digitized business models. Although currently there is still the uncertainty about how this health and economic crisis will advance, what companies actually do know is the future...

Leather and upcycling: Anya Heindmarch
Sustainability is no longer a choice, it is the only way that all consumers and companies can coexist in a world with social and environmental responsibilities. In the textile industry, many brands and designers are betting on sustainable production methods such as...

Piumone, leather with legacy
Synonym of heritage and craftwork. Piumone is a leather that with their grain, touch and thickness allows us to contribute with an own identity in the design of footwear, accessories, leather goods, among others. We invite you to continue discovering more about the...

LINEAPELLE NY juillet 2018
Vous nous trouverez à LINEAPELLE NY juillet 17-18 2018

Nous espérons vous voir à PREMiÈRE ViSiON PARIS, 12-14 Février. Vous pouvez nous trouver au H20 Pavilion 3, où nous présenterons la collection de cuir SS20. À très bientôt!