Inter Leather has been selected as a new partner and as a leather reference company inside Ambit cluster (that it is a cluster specialized in professionals and companies of contract area).
The cluster have more than 150 companies from diferents spheres inside the same contract world that collaborate in projects and activities sharing the same kind of universe.
From Inter Leather we are excited to being part of the cluster Ambit and this way being able to share our leather with more professionals and also share all the content we are working on. In the past we did the same work with others institutions as the clúster CIAC de Automoción and Railgroup.
At Hi Contract (an online showroom created by Ambit) we offering a summary of some of the best leathers that we have for contract, leather that we distribute from Barcelona without minimums and with pre-selling service or post-selling. All that with the best quality, Todo ello, con la mayor calidad, contemporaneity, adaptability and timelessness.
We invite to you to visit their website and discover our profile therer:

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