With the Covid-19 and social distancing, companies quickly had to rush and adopt more digitized business models.
Although currently there is still the uncertainty about how this health and economic crisis will advance, what companies actually do
know is the future path is to continue approaching the customer in a strategic way to enhance the attention oriented to the most
satisfactory consumer experience, the "User Experience" through personalized attention, better preparation of the offer in terms of
time and content and versatility and empathy to adapt to the requirements of the market and people.

This personalized attention takes many forms. In the physical world, it's about caring for customers and providing an individual
treatment. In digital channels, companies must meet a new standard: focus all the decision making on serving individual customers
and their personalized needs. Technological innovation has also played an important role in this whole process.

What we need to enhance the User Experience? 

There are 4 crucial points to keep in mind  to give more importance at this more personalized customer attention:

-Really have knowledge of your customers. Companies that know all the information about their customers (behaviors, past interactions, etc.) will be able to develop this experience more effectively. This information should flow in both directions because the more the consumer explains to us, companies can have a better understanding of them.

-Reacting to customers even before they know what they need. Solving problems based on personalized needs and determine the right time to communicate with the client. These insights help to create more consumer empathy and proactive outreach.

-Integrating technologies and contacts in all the channels. A perfect customer experience throughout the “shop” journey requires better collaboration of customer service, product development, marketing, and operations.

-Implementation of agent tools in real time. Companies that add additional functionality (for example “in the moment” coaching) and eliminate useless platforms can reduce barriers to solve better the problems of the customer and satisfy they needs.

Global implementation between 2020-2025

The goal is that the companies establising all these strategic techniques between 2020 and 2025. All is going to focus on the customer attention that has to be more personalized and sincere.

The 4 key things about this new time focused on the customer are: 

-White Glove customer service for everyone. Complete purchase assistance, deliveries, status updates, appointments, and other tasks with precision, customization, and minimal effort. Customer feedback, behavior and trend data will flow directly from the contact center to the rest of the company to improve products, marketing.

-One company, one voice. Companies will achieve full consistency and transparency across all the channels, prioritizing a seamless customer experience. This detailed view of the customer journey and relationship is supported by tools and databases about customer relationship. All these will allow agents and organizations to instantly see, react and choose custom actions based on each individual.

-Future work station (digital enablement). The challenge for companies will be double. On the one hand, selecting the right set of technologies to create super agents and, on the other, calibrating the optimal balance in human-machine collaboration.

– “Contact Centers”: the future fabric of talents. A good portion of the customer service representatives will be graduates of online high schools and colleges, so companies must change their approach to training and development.

At Inter Leather we think that the first beneficiary has to be the market for this reason we put in value service, attention to
detail and make a more profesional management. In addition, we feel the effort to orient ourselves towards the improvement
and the personalization of the communication with the client, as well as innovation in the processes to achieve it and every day
adding more improvements. The focus is double, product quality and service quality and management.

Sourcing by: Mckinsey & Company

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